Getting Started

What is Builder OS?

Think of Builder OS as a resource which will help you to build, grow and scale/sell your products on the Internet. If we were to start from zero, this is exactly how we would do it. We don’t believe in gatekepping information as we have realised that execution is the key. The Builder OS comprises of notes, resources and case studies that will help you in your journey. We have tried to keep in consice and actionable.

We really hope you like Builder OS, Please excuse us for any grammatical mistakes or any other errors that may come across – We are Builders, not writers 🙂

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to build a product of their own, who wants to experience the joy of 0→1, the Builder OS is for them. Tech or Non-Tech – doesn’t matter. We believe anyone can build, just that you might have to put in a little more effort based on your skillset.

How to use the Builder OS?

The Builder OS is divided into sections: Build, Grow & Scale, Sell, Incubation & Funding, Content, and Boiler Plates. The first three sections have meat of the content, I recommend you to glance through all the sections one by one in the given order to understand our thought process. Once you do so, you can come back to any section based on your requirements or phase of your journey.

Who are We? Why are doing this?

We have been building products for ~2 years now. We have built over 10 products of which four have been acquired and we have generated over $150K in revenue and acquisitions.

We love building products and we love 0→1. Most of us have ideas that do not see the light of the idea, we want to change that. Buillder OS is a step in that direction.

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